Thursday, August 21, 2008

enough said

sidewalk stencils on s.f. streets rank high among my favorite things


fro yo break

my mom, ann. they were talking about facebook and eating fro yo-sounds like my world.

meyer lemons

making lemonade...i will miss you lemon trees.


we love food


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

and the weather will hold...

after a few days of L.A. sunshine, we were not looking forward to San Francisco fog...but we made the best of it by stopping at a vista point along 280 (somewhere around San Mateo) to take pictures. Fog is pretty from the outside.

Monday, August 18, 2008

i don't hate you anymore

Los Angeles in 3 days or less...

kim and her roommate play sing star, i manage the band

kim's house has a dog: kona

view of "the valley"

creating my own fun in santa monica

Otero reunion! Room 203AB. Kim, Jo, Sari & me. We're all grown up now, or at least we're getting there...